What sets ordinary and extraordinary dancers apart is WORK ETHIC. At The Dance Academy in Lehi, Utah our technique classes give students the knowledge they need so they can choose to put this knowledge into practice and keep progressing with these dance practice tips.
Outside of dance class practicing does make a big difference. It doesn’t matter where you start or even if you start later in life. What matters the most, is how hard you work, in class and outside of class, to get to where you want to go.
All dancers have different natural abilities and are uniquely talented. Wherever you are in your technical abilities, there is always something you can work on to get better.
“No matter how good you get, you can always get better, and that’s the exciting part!” -Tiger Woods
Simple dance practice tips you can practice on your own.
- Ask your instructor what you can work on and do to improve individually. Being aware of your strengths and weaknesses will help you decide what to spend the most time on.
- Set GOALS! Short term and long term specific goals. Track your progress!
- Consistently attend all of your classes. Schedule a private lesson with an instructor to work on your weaknesses, acro-tumbling tricks, turns, leaps or new skill.
- Stretch every day. Even if it’s just for a few minutes. Flexibility is such a crucial skill to help improve your dancing abilities.
- Make it fun. Show a friend your dances or new moves, or do a strengthening exercise with a family member. Find ways to reward yourself after accomplishing a goal.
You don’t need to spend hours on end practicing on your own. Spending a little time (even 30 minutes) each day to stretch or work on specific technique will make an impact. Next time you are reading or watching TV try holding your splits. Or practice balancing while brushing your teeth. Consistency is key.
-You become what you consistently practice, so practice what you consistently want to become. Be patient with yourself and keep working hard.
Hally Smith
The Dance Academy – Instructor